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Christ Web is recapturing the Acts 4 culture.

Christ Web is recapturing a sharing/giving culture from the early church in Acts 4. It is a christian classified posting website with a God-centered focus. Take a good look. There are people sharing their goods, sharing their services, their dinner tables, and even a spare room. Christ Web is home of the sharing economy. The sharing economy states that if three people each spend $100 on goods; if they share them, then they will each possess $300 worth of shared benefit. This saves money so that it can be spent on more things, continually adding to the prosperity of our members. Sharing must be voluntary. It is up to you to decide how and when you share your goods on Christ Web. Posting on Christ Web is basically making things available when they are available. We are interdenominational; rebuilding bonds of trust and good working relationships.

Christ Web is neighbors being neighbors

ChristWeb believes that we are neighbors being neighbors. So we recommend you start with something easy like a DVD collection, a bike you are not using, or just give away some kids clothes. It is easy. Use Text-to-post service to make it even quicker.
Find neighbors on Christ Web leave feedback for people so that others can know what is to be expected. The Bible says, "Let every word be established in the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses." Christ Web holds to this foundational scripture. You have christian neighbors around you whether it is family members, friends, or people you meet at church. Ask them to join Christ Web and add them as your neighbors and begin sharing with them.

Where your treasure is there will your heart be also on Christ Web.

If you think about it, all the things in this world are just going to turn to dust anyway. All the more reason to store up for yourself treasure in heaven; and that is what Christ Web is all about. Matthew 6:21 states, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." How are the things in your garage doing? Post those items on Christ Web and enrich the body of Christ. Clean your place up regularly and find something worth sharing. Eventually Christ Web will have trucks, yard equipment, tables and chairs, and even boats and aircraft in every city. Signup and add Christ Web in your email contacts. Add the Christ Web icon and signup for text-to-post if you are interested. Have fun and pray for the Acts 4 vision. Also, we welcome support and partnership and volunteers. We are the greatest family that the world has ever seen. Christ Web is where Jesus is Lord.

Christ Web offers christian classifieds.

Post a need, post an item, post business directory on Christ Web. Locate posts or post in our classifieds section, dating, free stuff, share items, meet-ups, housestay, Act of service, facility share, or roommate on Christ Web. The Bible says that, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also... so our hearts are in need of this... this sharing, this giving that Christ Web seeks to organize.
Also if you subscribe to social media, it is wise to have other ways of keeping in contact with people. Christ Web join people together with similar values and beliefs. Anyone can join. Join the family.

Christ Web is here to serve. If you have further questions or suggestions, please send us a message on our contact page. Thank you, and God bless you.

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